Friday 9 March 2018


Born like as soul, but we are to die like an angel. In heaven all saints shall be like God’s Holy Angels. Jesus Christ of Nazareth and the Holy Spirit is changing all who believed and served God’s purpose whilst on earth, to become like Angels of God.
Our Saviour Jesus Christ in Matt.22:30 revealed one of the greatest mysteries. People who believe in reincarnation are expected to become animals and many other things. 
But Jesus Christ assured His followers, that they shall receive a resurrected body and lived eternally like Angels.

Glorified men are like the angels in these characteristics especially. They are immortal, no longer subject to human wants, passions, failings, or temptations; they serve God perfectly without weariness or distraction; they have no conflict between flesh and spirit, between the old nature and the new; their life is peaceful, harmonious, satisfying. Our Lord says nothing here concerning mutual recognition in the future state; nothing about the continuance of those tender relations which he sanctions and blesses on earth, and in the absence of which we cannot imagine perfect happiness existing.
Today start fulfilling your angelic mission.Bear the heavenly message to those on earth. Live this day as His earthly angel.Become born of God, if you are not yet.Give up on becoming the angel of sin. Raise up with all that you have and help to witness to those who have no hope in life after death. And you will be rewarded with gladness, joy unspeakable in heaven in all eternity. Please read Mark 16:15 and Luke 7:24-27.
Amen. Don't forget to make your comment below.

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