120 years Noah warned the people of the coming Judgement (FLOOD).
2,000 years until now God warned us of the Great Judgement. [END OF THE WORLD]
The longer the preparation, the terrible the judgement will be. So don't ever reject any form of warning to REPENT, because God will justify himself when you will tell him: Why you send me to hell?, and he will tell you: I have warned humanity for thousands of years. So if the verdict is lake of fire, it is our decision to go there and not God.
Every young minister this day's only wants Power, they want to do great signs, wonders, miracle, exploit, that is what they are only after.
2,000 years until now God warned us of the Great Judgement. [END OF THE WORLD]
The longer the preparation, the terrible the judgement will be. So don't ever reject any form of warning to REPENT, because God will justify himself when you will tell him: Why you send me to hell?, and he will tell you: I have warned humanity for thousands of years. So if the verdict is lake of fire, it is our decision to go there and not God.
OooohGod please help thy people who are perishing in the ignorance of their sin to Repent and take your word very serious , Hmmm My dear beloved i know you will not like this post but Whether you like it or not the Truth remains sure ..... HELL is more than Real ( Mark 9:44-47 ), Repent and Flee the wrath coming, My dear now is the hour for you to Repent and come to Jesus because tomorrow maybe too late remember their is no Repentance in the Grave, am here to tell you that many like you are now in Hell gnashing teeth, crying and facing unending torments and pains in Hell fire because of the hardenness of their heart to acknowledge their sins and Repent of it , rather they are saying it doesn't matter likewise you ,you are here
living your life the way it pleases you and the way you want, you still live in your fornication , lesbianism, a porn lover, masturbation, theft, seduction, lies , Adultery, sedition, murder, falsehood, makeups, idolatry, Drunkard's, homosexual , smoking , practicing witch and wizard, prostitution, Abortion, Atheist, tattoos, colouring of nails ,bitterness, jealousy, envy, slander , greediness . e.t.c ( Revelation 21:8, 1Corinthians 6:9, Hebrew 12:14 ) please now is the time to seek the Lord .. HELL IS REAL MORE THAN WHAT YOU THINK, HAA HELL IS UNIMAGINABLE AND IT HAS NO EXIT 
They are not ready for Holiness, but power, they will fast and pray also and be following great men of God up and down.
Am telling you today that you don't need all that, the Apostles never fast much or pray much for power, but yet the did great exploit,
Am not saying you should not fast or pray, or follow anyone, it's also necessary.
But if you need power without much struggle, Follow Holiness,
I was born again 2013, I never seek or prayed for power much, I received the Holy spirit 2014 July,
2015 February, I did my first impartation, of the Holy Spirit to a Brother, as we were praying I laid my hand on his mouth and he burst in tongues, uncontrollably, even more than me, that night,
I have laid my hands on many and they have received the holy spirit in tongues.
Yes, I fast and pray, but I was not after power, o was only after Holiness, Always preaching about Heaven, Hell, Sin, Rapture etc.
The biggest lie is when someone tells you that, everyone Man of God, is to preach on one side, like God called him to preach only, Prosperity, Power, Holiness, etc it is a lie from Hell, All men of God are to preach everything, both Prosperity, Holiness, Power, etc we are to balance everything.
I wanted to impart the Holy spirit to some people, so we went under a tree,
They made I circle and I was in their center, we sang for the Holy spirit to come on their, I just started the prayer, without touching anyone, they started falling down on the floor speaking in tongues. Some didn't fall but they don't know when they started speaking in tongues, I was very shocked and afraid, because no body has ever fall under my Anointing before.
Since then time now, I have imparted power, and the Holy spirit to many, a have done deliverance for many,
I never runned after power or Anointing, but yet God is using me mightily till date.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My dear Repent now and call upon the name of the Lord ( 1 John 1:7-9 )
Jesus loves you !!!!!!!!
Please as this message reach you today copy and share to save the perishing souls !!!!!
God bless you
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