What is my gain if i enjoy the pleasures of sin in this world and spend my eternity in the deepest part of hell. What is my profit if I enjoy the pleasures of fornication as a man with different women here on earth and waste away forever in hell. What is the need of my boastings if i have all the riches of this world which I got through corruption and languish eternally in hellfire. What is my boastings about, if I can can gulp five bottles of beer but forever and ever be made to drink fire like water in the lake of fire .What is your gain if you dress like a Jezebel on earth and seducing as many men as possible into fornication/adultery only for demons to pierce red hot spears into your genitals in hell fire.
O what a life of misery it will be for any person that had the opportunity to be saved from hell but refused to accept the salvation of God and ends up in hell. It is such a sad thing to know that huge numbers of souls that are trooping into hell daily. Sin can be quite pleasurable yet its temporal but its sting and venom is eternal. Sin has only one mission to destroy every of its captives in hell. Sin is your enemy,disassociate yourself from it before it destroys you. You must weigh the consequences of your sin side by side with its pleasure and you will see that you are treading on dangerous grounds if you are still living under the influence of that sin. The profits of sin on earth can not be compared to the sufferings in hell. I beg you to repent. Don't joke with your eternity. Repent now.
Do not try to repent after rapture  cause it will be too late,,,

Do not,,try to stop,attachment, cause it will be too late,
Do not try to stop,using,, perf,roll on,
Lipstick, poweder,thread,wigs,weavon,eye shadow,,relaxer,perming, jerry cooling,,merrycay do not try to repent, cause it will be too late,,
After the rapture, pls I beg you in the name of God,, don't stop worshiping idols, like Catholic cause it will be too late,,,

After the rapture,, do not stop, barbing wordly hair cut,cause it will be too late,,,,,
After the rapture, do not stop putting on trouser, as a lady cause it will be too late,
After the rapture,, do not stop putting on mini skirt, short gown,,thight cloths that exposed your shape, and hip,,cause it will be too late,,
After the rapture, do not pull of your rings,and engagement rings,cause it will be too late,,
After the rapture, do not try to throw of. That bleaching creams, cause it will be too late,,
After the rapture, do not try to screb that relaxed hair has a Christians cause it will be too late,,,,
After the rapture, keep on engaging in boy friend and girlfriend, continue,,,, do not stop,,because it Is of no use to repent,,,,,,
After the rapture, that lady ,,which has being
staying with you,,pls do not burder to pay her bride price cause it will be too late,,,,,,
After the rapture,, keep on masturbating yourself ,,,do not try to stop or repent,, cause it will be too late,,,,,
After the rapture,, do not even burder to make restitution cause it will be too late,,,,
After the rapture do not start paying thite and offering, cause it Wii be too late,,,,
After the rapture, do not burder to delete that wordly music,or throw off that phonographs films,or stop watching them,,,because is of no use to repent,,,,
After the rapture, do not try to dress like virgin Mary,since God check the heart,,only,,never you try to stop making up,,ride on,,because it is of no use to repent,,,,
After the rapture,, do not try to quit that wordly business or job,,,eg,selling condoms to people, selling cigarette, smoke weed,,working as a sales girl or boy in hotel and club,,ride on,do not repent, because it will be too late,,
After the rapture, do not burder to close, your saloon shop as a stylist,, enjoy your money ,as you like,,and wait for the Antichrist torment,, don't burder to repent cause it will be too late,,,,,,
After the rapture, as a pastor, do not even burder to tell your church members to start,covering there hair,or dress modest,do not burder to stop them,by putting on trouser to church,, because is of no use,,since God is not interested in outward appearance ,,,do not repent,,,
After the rapture,, do not burder,, to help the poor,or stop being wicked,or stingy,,enjoy your money, for a while,, and wait for the torment of Antichrist, do not burder to repent, cause it will be too late,
After the rapture,, as a pastor, continue telling false visions, and prophecy,,, do not burder to repent cause it Wii be too late,,
After the rapture, do not,burder to start greeting that man you have not being greeting cause it will be too late,,
After this event,,,called rapture,,, do not burder,to stop keeping malice,,, getting angry often,,,blasphemy,, backbiting,, gossiping,,, lies,,419,,,,ride on for it has cought you unawares,,
After the rapture, do not even burder to stop drinking,, since with your mentality, thought is drink ,little but not excess,ride on,,,do not repent cause it Will be too late
After the rapture, do not burder to quit smoking,, for it will be too late,,
After the rapture, do not Start paying the depth you are owing people, cause it has ended,,, no need to repent,,,,
After the rapture do not burder to pray to God, to restore your backsliding cause it will be too late,
After the rapture as a preacher,, no need to preach undiluted message anymore,, cause the saint as gone up to meet Jesus in the cloud ,,

No heaven for backsliding Christians,,,
No heaven for those who refused to answer God's call in there life,,

No heaven for artificial ladies,, and wordly men,,,

After the rapture,, keep on watching football,,, or playing, it,or bet Niger,naira bet,,since with your mentality, which is not a sin,,then wait for the torment and the torture of Antichrist,,,,,,

This is the truth, bethrens, take it,not judgement,, for it hurt,and grive, ,,for that is the way of success and internal life,,
Do not glory yet,,thou you do miracles,,
Do you can heal,or have powers to cast out demons don't glory yet,,
We are striving,,,, by his grace,,
Let no mam glory yet,,,
Till you enter the golden city,,,,, the new Jerusalem,,,,,,,, heaven,,,,, for that is our home,,,,,,,,,,,
Therefore work out your salvation with fear and trembling,,
For without holiness no man shall see the lord,,,
Any man that miss the rapture can not withstand the torment of Antichrist,,, those that miss it,,will be praying for the grace, and faith,to withstand it,,,,it will be so horrible, and terrible on that day,,,no buying and selling except you receive it,,,666 the mark,,,or receive it and spend your eternity in hell,,,
Now we are telling you the undiluted truth,,,,pick from it,,and repent in any where you are guilty,,,,, because you are in excusable,,, all those things you love so much which as become your god will live you,,or you live them,,,,
There fore repent and turn to Jesus,,,
A time shall come when no man will work again,,,
Beloveth, pls let us pay much to eternity,,,
For it is my prayer for we not to miss the rapture in Jesus name AMEM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Thank you holy spirit,,,,
Make your comment or contribution below. God bless you.

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