Thursday 11 January 2018


God's original plan and purpose is for man to use jewelries, gold and silver as means of exchange, just as we used Euro, Pound sterling, Dollars, Naira and so on. When the children of Israel left Egypt, the Lord asked them to demand for areas of their labor from Egyptians, He wanted the Israelite's to use the treasures they had gathered to buy things from other nations as they proceed to the promised Land. They will need to buy weapons, build houses, build the Lord temple.
Exodus 12:35 "And the children of Israel did according to the word of Moses; and they borrowed of the Egyptians jewels of silver, and jewels of gold, and raiment: And the Lord gave the people favour in the sight of the Egyptians, so that they lent unto them such things as they required. And they spoiled the Egyptians"
Matthew 2:11 "And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshipped him: and when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts; gold, and frankincense, and myrrh" Genesis 13:2
"And Abram was very rich in cattle, in silver, and in gold"
Danger Of Wearing Gold, Silver And Jewelries On Body.
Jeremiah 4:30 "And when thou art spoiled, what wilt thou do? Though thou clothest thyself with crimson, though thou deckest thee with ornaments of gold, though thou rentest thy face with painting, in vain shalt thou make thyself fair; thy lovers will despise thee, they will seek thy life"
Below is except from confession Of Evangelist Olufumilayo Adebayo; 990 years In Kingdom of darkness.
"So, in our own kingdom, Killing is not our target. But destruction to Hell fire is our target. So, that is what I wanted to go and do in hell fire that day. I went to check a name. I now decided to branch to the international demons to greet them in their position, as I was exchanging word with them. I now heard a noise, strange noise, shouting with joy. I now ask them, what is the meaning of this noise.
They told me that eeeh, hisss, it’s from the palace of the Great God Almighty. I said what happen. They there is a visitor. Whenever they had visitor that is how they rejoice. That is where coming sound. That thing now pains me and baffled me. Because i don’t believe that people are still making heaven. How manage? Upon the whole trap we had set on this world. We didn’t believed that people can still make heaven, because everything on earth. We had polluted everything. We believe isn’t easy for anybody to make heaven again. So this thing, now bother me. I now wait.
I decided i will wait and see that person. How the person will enter through the gate. As we are there waiting, truly that person start getting closer and closer. When it got to the gate, we discover it was ordinary woman, eeeh, because it easy for man to make heaven that woman. Women are very scarce in Heaven.
I remember when Jesus Christ took me to Heaven. When he meets me and took me to heaven. When he took me to the banquet hall, I discover that Men are more than Women. In the Church on earth women are much but in Heaven woman are very scarce , because of what Satan has program for them. I will talk about that later. What make women not to make heaven? I will talk about that.
So in this case, we start watching this woman as she got to the gate. The angel of God, welcome this woman so much. They welcome her. Suddenly i saw the angel brought out her crown, very glorious crown, Filled with stars all over, no space on that crown, shining with more than 500 hundred stars. I said what is this? Why is this crown so glorious like this? They now told me that, she is a woman of God, a wife of a pastor, and she is a preacher.
They said that is the crown of a soul winner. They said, there is no crown for a bishop or pastor here. Any tilted we give to ourselves on earth has no reward here , it’s only the work we do, they can take the reward here. They said this is the crown for a soul winner. They said that stars i saw on the crown, is the number of souls, which the woman won to heaven.
Haaa, it pains me so much, but to my surprise as they were welcoming this woman, through the welcoming processing. They brought out her garment, gown, and very glorious garment. They didn’t open gate for her. They brought out her throne, very glorious also. Come and see very great estate build for this woman. It appears on the screen. We saw the mighty estate, only for her-own kingdom. Come and see thousands of angels assign to be serving her in her kingdom.
All this things are brought out for this woman but they refused to open gate for this woman. And this woman started thinking on her mind, you know in that place you don’t need to talk. Any thought you have in your mind will appear on the screen. You cannot have bad thought in that place. So as this woman was thinking in her mind, Oooh, let this gate open for me jarreh (experiencing worrisome and anticipated to proceed ahead).
Because as she look back she saw a giant demon behind her and she was afraid of those demons. She is in haste to enter, as she was having this thought. The angel of God now says what is written in her heart. They now say WOMAN YOU CANNOT ENTER INTO THIS PLACE, BECAUSE THE BIBLE SAYS NO INIQUITY SHALL ENTER INTO THE KINGDOM OF GOD.
And the woman said what? What do you mean? Because, she is sure of her life, she believes she live a Holy life. But truly she lived a Holy life, because in her garment there is no spot there, everything was clean. But the angel says she cannot enter. This woman started arguing*, NO, I must enter. Jesus even appears to me before I die, am holy and that, but in the process or her arguments. The international demons now interrupt. They say WOMAN YOU CANNOT ENTER, ACCORDING TO THE BOOK OF
For full understanding, let me read for you from Ezekiel 7:19-21 “They shall cast their silver in the streets, and their gold shall be removed. Their silver and their gold shall not be able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of the Lord: they shall not satisfy their souls, neither fill their bowel, because it is the stumbling block of their iniquity. 20 As for the beauty of his ornament, he set in majesty: but they made the images of their abominations and of their detestable thing therein: therefore I have set it far from them. 21 And I will give it into the hands of the strangers for a prey, and to the wicked of the earth for a spoil; and they pollute it.
Can you see it? This is the quotation they gave this woman. You may not understand this quotation. As they give this woman this quotation. Immediately, this woman remembers they were talking about jewelries and this woman touch her ear and she has a little ear-ring. But this woman believe that if you dresses moderate isn’t a sin, that is what she believed according to 1 Peter 3:3 "Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel; . They told her that, this thing can’t make heaven.
Before she started saying, “am sorry, I don’t know” before she started tendering her explanation. Immediately there is a force that came from no-where. That force, just turn this woman face. She backs the Gate of Heaven and faced toward the Hell fire. A strange wind took this woman and rolled her seriously and she speedily ran to hell. Look, don’t think you will walk majestically to Hell fire or somebody will throw you . You will run with your leg, with speed.
The worst part is this...This woman started shouting the name of Jesus Christ. She was shouting Jesusssssssssssssssssssssssss. As she was shouting Jesus, that was how she ran to Hell fire with Jesus on her mouth. Look, if you’re in the church and they told you to shout the name of Jesus Christ and you wouldn’t want to shout it louder, don’t worry. If you continue in the life of sin, you will shout Jesus in eternity in hell fire with no salvation.
It’s when you are still alive; you can shout the name of Jesus Christ with salvation. So please whatever the bible prove wrong, just accept it like that. You see, this woman go to hell fire because of ignorant . She didn’t knew that God go against dressing, ear-ring, chain and ornament,  she doesn’t knew. She only follow all other things in the bible, don’t do this and that and she obeyed. But for this one particularly she didn’t believe God didn’t like it.
AND IF YOU ARE THERE ASKING ME, WHERE DID GOD WRITE IT IN THE BIBLE, THAT WE SHOULD NOT USE EAR-RING OR CHAIN? I WILL PROVE IT TO YOU NOW . Let me start from this, you know jewelries, all this ornaments that we put-on. God didn’t create it for fashion. Did you know from the beginning, God didn’t create cement for us as our building material?
Before God curse the land, before God curse Adam and eve. When God created man in the sixth days, God created us as immortality. We are immortality, which means we will not die. But since we commit sin, will turns to immortal man, which means we can die.
It was when God curse man that he now curses the land, before he curses us, because he has created us that will are going to live forever. He has already produced and had created a building material under the ground that we will used to build our house, which will remain forever. So, that was when God created Gold. Gold is been created as a building material.
You see in the kingdom of darkness, they knew the geology of this world, because they were there when God created it. They knew what God created everything for, because they are there. It was in their presence that God created everything. So they knew that, Gold is been created as a building material so that it can remain forever, it will not fall, it will not break nor crack. So when God now curse the land. It was when God curse the land. All the demons, they knew we are under the anger of God.
They knew the presence of God had departed from us. They knew the glory of God has been departed from us. So they now quickly come down and pack all the treasure God had created for us. They now go and hide it in a place’s. That is why before we can have our treasure, our crude oil and everything, all those engineers, they use to appeal to those demons.
You see, this Gold was a building material. It was when they pack them, we’re left with cement. And when we use cement to build house, later after 100 years, you will see the house crack, falling and breaking. So this gold from the beginning, God created as a building material. Not as a fashion or as we’re using it on this days. It was the ideas of demons, which make us to be using it, as we’re using it on these days.
Before the Israelite's, use jewelries to make idol. Let me go back to the time of Jacob. In the book of Genesis chapter 35 , when God called Jacob to gathered his people to meet with him from Genesis 35:1-5 “And God said unto Jacob, Arise, go up to Beth-el, and dwell there and make there an altar unto God. That appear unto thee when thou fleddest from the face if Esau thy brother, 2 then Jacob said unto his household, and to all that were with him, put away the strange gods that are among you, and be clean and change your garment.
3 And let us arise, and go up to Beth-el; and I will make there an altar unto God. Who answered me in the distress, and was with me in the day which I went. 4 And they gave unto Jacob all the strange god which was in their hands and all their earrings which were in their ears; and Jacob hid them under the oak which was by shechem 5 And they Journey, and the terror of God was upon the cities that were round about them, and they did not pursue after the sons of Jacob.
But the question is this; Jacob didn’t tell them to remove their ear-ring. He only told them to remove everything that is not PURE, that is not HOLY. There idol, specifically on idol and all unclean things. But to my surprise, they need to remove their ear-ring. IS EAR-RING UNCLEAN? YOU WILL ANSWER THAT BY YOURSELF. For them to remove earring before they can appear to God--- -MARK THAT, POINT ONE.
SECONDLY , if you go to the book of Exodus chapter 32 you will see, where God now point out their mistake. When, God brought them out from the land of Egypt. God order them in the book of Exodus chapter 12 . You will read where God told them to request from whatever they needed from the Egyptians. And he gave them favor, to carry their gold and silver. God told them to collect those thing, because God has it in the mind, that when they get to the promise land.
Exodus 12:35-36 “ And the children of Israel did according to the word of Moses: And they borrowed of the Egyptians jewels of silver, jewels of gold and raiment, 36, And the Lord gave the people favor in the sight of the Egyptians, so that they lent unto them such things as they required, And they spoil they Egyptians.
They will use these things as a building material for the temple of the Lord. That is why, he order them to collect it. He didn’t order them to collect it for fashion or for making an idol. So, that was the aim of God by allowing them to collect all this things, so that, they can convert it to building material. So, when they collected these things, and got to the wilderness, they now use it in making an idol against the plan of God.
Read Exodus 32:3-4 “And all the people brake off the golden earrings which were in their ears, and brought them unto Aaron and he received them at their hand, and fashion it with a graving tool, after he had made it a molten calf: and they said. These be thy gods, O Israel, which brought thee up out of land of Egypt.
Can you see that? They transfer the glory of God unto idol, if you read your bible very well. You knew of the statement. God always claim “I AM YOUR GOD, WHO BROUGHT YOU OUT FROM EGYPT, WHO DELIVERED YOU FROM THE POWER OF PHARAOH” He always use this word, God feels big in it, this language, God so cherish it very much. This is the power; this is the statement that God normally used upon Israelite's.
Imagine this thing that God exalted his name from. He touched Pharaoh; harden his heart, so that he can proclaim his mightiness upon the whole world. They now carry all the glory and give to an ordinary idol. That is why the anger of the Lord arose, and said this idol and those things you used to make it; I don’t want to see it upon again.
That is why the bible said our body is the temple of the Lord. No iniquity shall dwell in it. 1 Corinthians 3:16-17 “Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the spirit of God dwells in you, If anyone defiles the temple of God, God will destroy him. For the temple of God is Holy, which temple you are.
Whenever we want to quote it, we always mention demons. Not only demons, anything that is irritating must not remain in your body. SOME PEOPLE WILL SAY, EEEEHH “GOD DIDN’T HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH OUR BODY, BUT ONLY OUR SOUL OR HEART” ...IT’S A LAIR OOH.God needs to do with your body, spirit, heart, and soul. If you go to the book of Romans 12:1 “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service.
....YOUR BODY, IT’S NOT TALKING ABOUT YOUR HEART OR SOUL . God talk about body there. If God want to talk about heart, he will talk about heart, and if he wants to talk about body, he will talk about body. Also in the book of Ezekiel 36:26 “A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you a heart of flesh.
He said I will give you a new HEART , a new SPIRIT . He didn’t about BODY there. But here in Romans Chapter 12:1 “He said present your body as a Holy sacrifice to the Lord” So, don’t allow any preacher to deceive you. DON’T ALLOW ANYBODY TO TELL YOU, THAT GOD IS ONLY CONCERN ABOUT SOUL, HEART AND NOT BODY . Your BODY, SOUL and HEART are for GOD. You must consecrate yourself before God in a holy way. So, that is why in this place. They need to remove their earring and jewelries to make an idol.
Since that day, God told Israelite that they must not put any jewelry in their body any more. Any time he wants to come to them or visit them or journey with them, if he sees jewelries upon them, God is always annoyed . You may be there and say, “THIS ENTIRE THING, AM TALKING, IS ALL STORY, UNTIL YOU CAN POINT ME, WHERE GOD COMMANDED ISRAELITE NOT TO USE IT” That is where I want to quote for you now.
Go to the book of Exodus 33:1-6 “And the Lord said unto Moses, depart and go up hence, thou and the people which thou hast brought up out of the Land of Egypt unto the land which I sware unto Abraham, to Isaac and to Jacob, saying, unto thy see I will give it. 2 And I will send my angel before thee and I will drive out the Canaanite, the Amorite, and the Hittite, and the Perizzite, the Hivite and the Jebusite.
3 Unto a land flowing with milk and honey: for I will not go up in the midst of thee; for thou art a stiff-necked people: lest I consumed thee in the way . 4 And when the people heard these evil tidings, they mourned and no man did put on him his ornaments. 5 for the Lord had said unto Moses; say unto the children of Israel. Ye area stiff-necked people: I will come up into the midst of thee in a moment and consumed thee, therefore now put off their ornaments from thee that I may know what to do unto thee. 6 And the children of Israel stripped themselves of their ornaments by the mount Horeb ”.
Imagine before he called them stiff-necked people. That means he has been warning them several on something he wanted to talk about. Listen, in the land of Israel, if they are not happy, if they are in sorrow or mourning. What they normal do, they will tear their cloth, and they will shave their hair. They can put ashes on the hair to show that they are in sadness. But I this case, they didn’t tear their cloth, they didn’t shave their hair.
But the first thing they started doing, is by removing their ornaments. WHY? Because they knew it was what God is talking about . The theological can change it for you. They can talk another thing. But this passage is talking about jewelries, ornaments. So don’t allow any bible scholar to turn it up-side for you. HE SAID THEY SHOULD REMOVE IT.
4 And when the people heard these evil tidings, they mourned and no man did put on him his ornaments. 5 for the Lord had said unto Moses; say unto the children of Israel. Ye area stiff-necked people: I will come up into the midst of thee in a moment and consumed thee, therefore now put off their ornaments from thee that I may know what to do unto thee . 6 And the children of Israel stripped themselves of their ornaments by the mount Horeb ” .
So, if truly for are descendant of Abraham. You truly claim Abraham blessing is yours. If truly you can jump from Old Testament to New Testament and claim Abraham blessing . But whenever we talk about DO-NOT, DO-NOT, DO-NOT in the Old Testament you will condemn it. This one is in Old Testament, but Abraham blessing in Old Testament, you’re claiming it. If you can claim the blessing in Old Testament, the law in the Old Testament is also for you.
So, if God can command the Israelite not to use ornament. He said he didn’t want to see it or he will destroy them. Imagine God hated this thing, to the point that he has vowed to destroy them, if they refused to put it-off.
That is why; you Christian, if truly you want to make Heaven, though the reason why we’re using it today in the church and we’re not dying and fire didn’t fall to consumed us, because GOD Almighty is no longer going on with people. Jesus Christ has taken over from God and now Holy Spirit had taking over from Jesus Christ. We’re under grace. Don’t worry; Thunder will not kill you in Church today. Fire will not burn you, but don’t forget that a day is coming you will die on Earth with earring in your ear.
You will dress like idol with irritating things that cause God, which arose God’s anger, you will die and appear like that, it’s then the anger of God in “ Exodus Chapter 33 ” that made God to say, He want to destroy the Israelite's, if they didn’t remove it. The same anger will appear on you. If you appear with that same thing that causes God to be annoyed, the same anger of that day will come upon you.
So if you use jewelries on Earth, that doesn’t stop your prayer from not been answer. You can do miracle with it. You may use jewelries; Holy Spirit can still talk to you, because you’re under grace, but if you die and appears before God with this things. Mind you, the very least in the word of GOD will never go unfulfilled.
Make sure you didn’t argue with the word of God. You may argue with me, am a human being, I can lie. BUT YOUR BIBLE WILL NEVER-NEVER LIE, I can lie. I can deceive you, am a human being and am a flesh. But GOD will never-never lie. He is not a human being. Am quoting it out from the bible, your bible, what is written here in my bible is also same thing written there in your bible. If you don’t believed in my own version, the same meaning is also there in your own bible version.
Even though am lying, will your bible lie? So therefore, follow the bible, even though you didn’t follow my word. God spoken here, not prophet spoken. God says remove your ornament before I decided what to do with you. If God can command Israelites to remove their ornament are you not the descendant of Abraham? Is Abraham not the father of Israel? If truly you’re from the same lineage. The same word of God has come to you today.
If you see people dressing and they didn’t put on earring or all things, do you think they are fool? Everybody loves to look beautiful. You may say that the Gate of Heaven is made by Gold, YES. The Gold in Heaven is been used for what it is created it for, ok. Gold in Heaven had not been used to make idol, but the Gold on this Earth has been defiled.
The one’s on this Earth has been over thrown by demons, ok. So the only-way you can use Gold that can please God, is to use it for what God is created it for, that is why God order Solomon to build his Temple with Gold’s, with many Gold’s.
So, if you used Gold as pulpit in your church, as a building material in your church or as a house building material, no problem. If you used it as a spoon, as a plate, IS NOT A SIN, but don’t used it on the Temple of God, because this temple is your body. Is the temple of the Lord, Iniquities must not dwell there.
So, that is why, you must be careful; your body belongs to God. You can’t use it the way you like. You can’t use your body the way you like. You must please God with your body. Please take this message very serious" Curled from "990 Years In The Kingdom Of Darkness"
1. Gold and silver can be used to build houses; l kings 6 :21.
2. Gold and silver can be used as cups;
Genesis 44;2.
3. Gold and silver can be used for plates.
4. Gold and silver can be used for kitchen utensils.
5. Gold and silver can be used as coins; Luke 19 :11.
6. Gold and silver can be used to pay bride price; Genesis 27:52.
7. Gold and silver can be used to purchase Land; 2 Samuel 24:24-25 .
8. Gold and silver can be used to settled debt.
9. Gold and silver can be used as offering or gifts; Matthew.2:11; Joshua 6:19.
10. Gold or silver can be used for trading or savings; Luke 19:11-27.
11. Don't wear them, if you do, is like using dollars to make shirt or cap.
12. Don't wear them on your neck.
13. Don't wear then on your fingers.
14. Don't wear them on your ear.
15. Don't wear them on your nose.
16. Don't wear them on your wrist.

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