Look at them, see how they are Suffering,
See how they are tormented,
They have no Rest Day and night, the smoke of their torment goes up forever and ever,
Who will Deliver Them?
Who will save Them?
They Hunger to Repent everyday, but its too late,
No Food, No Water, No Rest,
This are the people Jesus Died for,
Their Disobedience to the word of God Landed Them here,
The lost of Flesh, The lost of the eyes, The Pride of life Landed them here,
Vanity Materials landed them here,
They refused to be Born Again,
They refused to come back to God,
They think they are the owner of their lives,
They worship other gods,
They made materials things their god,
The smoke of the torment goes up forever and ever, they have no rest day or night, those who worship the Devil and his image. Revelation 14:11.
If you are still alive please Repent,.Be Born Again, and escape Eternal Condemnation,
Please don't try to Spend Eternity in Hell Fire,
Those who are already Born Again, please let always Examine, ourselves to make sure we are still in the faith, don't let us mix ourselves with the world, Let him who stands, take heed less, he falls, let make sure our garment is always clean.
A word is Enough for the wise,
If you miss Heaven, you will cry.
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